Establishment of the Benelux regional organisation

Establishment of a Benelux chapter

At the SRA Europe conference 2015 in Maastricht, SRA-E Benelux has formally been established as a regional organisation within SRA-Europe.

The BENELUX Chapter shares the aim with SRA Europe “to bring together individuals and organisations interested in risk assessment, risk management and risk communication in Europe”. The special objectives of the SRA-E Benelux are:

  • To promote risk research and knowledge and understanding of risk analysis techniques within the Benelux countries. The Benelux countries include: Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg.
  • To identify and address specifically issues common to Benelux countries in the field of risk, to promote debate, and to impress upon decision-makers the usefulness of risk research, critical analyses and risk analysis in dealing with such issues.
  • To act as a focal point for communication with risk researchers and analysts in other parts of the world.
  • To facilitate exchanges of information and opinion between professionals in industry, government, universities, research institutes, and consultancies, with the aim of furthering research and improving the practical application of risk analysis and risk management.
  • To convene and promote scientific and educational meetings on risk research, risk analysis and risk management in the Benelux countries.

Any member of SRA-Europe in the region (Belgium, Netherlands or Luxemburg) is considered to be a member of SRA Benelux. Those outside the region who have an interest are welcome to join if they wish to be part of SRA-E Benelux.

Membership is FREE.

The General Assembly of SRA-E Benelux endorsed the statutes of SRA-E Benelux. The current board members are:

  • President (2017-2019): Marijn Poortvliet
  • Rapporteur: Anne Michiels van Kessenich
  • Student representative: Tom Jansen
  • Officer at large: Ric van Poll
  • Officer at large: Catrinel Turcanu
  • Past president (2015-2017) and officer at large: Frederic Bouder

For further information or if you want to become a member, please

Last modified: 2 April, 2018

Preliminary programme SRAE-Benelux chapter meeting 2018 available

Preliminary programme SRAE-Benelux chapter meeting 2018 available

The meeting of the Society for Risk Analysis Europe Benelux regional organisation will be held on March 26, 2018 at Lakehouse SCK-CEN in Moll, Belgium.

The preliminary programme of the SRA-Europe Benelux regional organisation is now available. Please click HERE for the programme and other relevant information.


Last Modified: 21 February, 2018

Programme of the 2017 meeting of SRA-E Benelux available

Programme of the 2017 meeting of SRA-E Benelux available

The second annual meeting of SRA-E - Benelux will be held on 20 March 2017, at the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment - RIVM, Bilthoven, The Netherlands.

This year's focal theme will be: From Vaccine to Anti-microbial resistance: exploring risk-risk trade-offs.

Vaccination and antimicrobial resistance offer typical risk-risk dilemma where individual decisions about the safety and usefulness of products must be balanced against the public health goal of risk reduction. The monitoring as well as risk acceptance and communication of vaccines and antibiotic drugs have become increasingly challenging in a context characterised by public controversies and intensive media coverage. How can risk analysis help to inform and improve such risk-risk trade-offs?

The programme consists of a key note, a plenary session, 5 parallel sessions and a round table. The programme can be downloaded HERE.


  • RIVM: Welcome and key issues.
  • Prof. Michael Siegrist, ETH Zürich. SRA Europe welcome.
  • Dr. Agnes Kant, Director, LAREB. Drug and Vaccine Safety: Lareb's experience
  • Dr. Mariken van der Lubben CiB, RIVM. The control of antimicrobial resistance in the Netherlands
  • Prof. Daniëlle Timmermans, Chief Science Officer Risk Communication, RIVM. Trust & affect and the implications for vaccination behavior
  • Prof. Ragnar Löfstedt, panel chair: the trade-offs of Transparency.

The meeting is free of charge. To gain access to the RIVM facilities, you need to bring your PASSPORT or ID.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask:

Last modified: 10 March 2017.
Call for abstracts: Benelux Chapter meeting 2017

Call for abstracts: 2017 meeting of the SRA-E Benelux Chapter

The second annual meeting of SRA-E - Benelux will be held on 20 March 2017, at the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment - RIVM, Bilthoven, The Netherlands.

This year's focal theme will be: From Vaccine to Anti-microbial resistance: exploring risk-risk trade-offs 

Vaccination and antimicrobial resistance offer typical risk-risk dilemma where individual decisions about the safety and usefulness of products must be balanced against the public health goal of risk reduction. The monitoring as well as risk acceptance and communication of vaccines and antibiotic drugs have become increasingly challenging in a context characterised by public controversies and intensive media coverage. How can risk analysis help to inform and improve such risk-risk trade-offs?


  • RIVM:Welcome and key issues.
  • Prof. Michael Siegrist, ETH Zürich. SRA Europe welcome.
  • Dr. Agnes Kant, Director, LAREB. Drug and Vaccine Safety: Lareb's experience
  • Prof. Barbara Rath, Vienna Vaccine Safety Initiative. Antimicrobial resistance: a science-based perspective
  • Prof. Ragnar Löfstedt, panel chair: the trade-offs of Transparency.

The meeting is free of charge. Abstracts for individual presentations and symposia are welcome and are not restricted to this year's focal theme. Parallel sessions may be organised if the number of abstracts allow for this. Please send your abstract before 15 February 2017 to:

Last modified: 3 December 2016.
Brief summary of the launch of SRAE Benelux on 14 March 2016
Brief summary of the launch of SRAE Benelux on 14 March 2016

For our first meeting we had about 40 participants mainly from Academia, Government  and Industry. Active participation took place at plenaries and 3 parallel sessions. The meeting had a strong policy focus with a keynote presentation from the Chief Vet of the Netherlands, Christianne Bruschke, as well as the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment presenting their risk approach, many thanks to all speakers.

One theme that emerged was the need to look more thoroughly into the notion of Uncertainty from legal, psychological and governance perspectives. Conventional risk analysis has sometimes neglected the concept, which is an issue. Equally, the tendency to ''hype'' uncertainties is a challenge to balanced decisions about risks. Another crucial outcome of the meeting is the recognition that education plays a role and that introducing students to cognitive research outcome can help improve the quality of decisions.

Thanks to Randa Kachef there is a great photo album which you can find by clicking here.

It is also our pleasure to announce that RIVM has offered to host our next annual meeting on 20 March 2017. Many thanks to them!

Ideas and suggestions about events and funding are much welcome too.

Last modified: 6 April 2016.

Programme SRA-E Benelux Inaugural meeting available

Programme Inaugural meeting SRA-E Benelux, 14 March 2016 available



The first meeting of SRA-E BENELUX will be be held on 14 March 2016 at the UM Campus Brussels, Belgium. Please find the invitation/call for abstracts  HERE.

The programme for this meeting is now available as well. Please click HERE.


Please note that this meeting is free of charge.


 Last modified:  4 March, 2016

Inaugural meeting SRA-E Benelux, 14 March 2016, Brussels, Belgium

Inaugural meeting SRA-E Benelux, 14 March 2016, Brussels, Belgium

The first meeting of SRA-E BENELUX will be be held on 14 March 2016 at the UM Campus Brussels. Please find the invitation/call for abstracts  HERE.

The deadline for abstracts is 29 January, 2016.

Please note that this meeting is free of charge!


 Last modified:  4 March, 2016